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Pilar talks about how she uses AI in her shows, including Assembly.AI, and GPT-4, for example check out these show notes for Management Café.

Here’s the video where Mike Russell explains how he uses AI to create a workflow for his daily podcast AI News Today:

At some point Pilar also mentions episode 35 of this podcast, with guest Stephanie Fuccio, where they talk about editing.

Recommended Podcasts
Guy Kawasaki’s Remarkable People, in particular this episode  with Kim Komando, which includes a conversation about GenAI

Also, check out Sliced Bread, from the BBC.

If you’re thinking of starting your own podcasting adventure, I recommend Buzzsprout as host – click here for my affiliate link, which also gets you a little discount, and Riverside FM for recording, which you can access through this other affiliate link.

Hello and welcome to episode 45 of the 21st Century Work. Sorry, it was bound to happen one day that I start to do a show and I introduce another one. Hello.

My name is Pilar Orti, and this is Adventures in Podcasting. This is episode 45, day seven of NPodPoMo which is why, in the spirit of experimentation, I am not going to edit that first bit out. I will of course do an episode on editing at some point.

Although if you want to hear someone else talking about how much you should edit, what to look out for when you’re editing, then I recommend the episode from Adventures in Podcasting with Stephanie Fuccio, which is I’m just scrolling up it’s episode 34, published on the 29 January. Welcome to Adventures in Podcasting. As I said, my name is Pilar ORTI and I am podcasting daily at the moment, which I am enjoying.

It’s not really daily, I’m batching, I’m record batching. But I’m really enjoying producing short episodes that are really focused. And today I am going to cover AI and podcasting, generative AI, other kinds of AI, because, well, interestingly, I’ve really stayed away in both 21st Century work life and management cafe of talking about AI, because first everyone was talking about hybrid work, now everyone is talking about AI.

And when everyone is talking about something, I just go, oh no, leave me out of it, please. But I do use chat GPT, GPT four in fact, for stuff to help me with podcasting, with writing, I use it quite a lot, so I thought I cover some of it in today’s episode. And also I came across a video that I want to share with you when I thought, okay, this is interesting, even more interesting.

But before I forget, yesterday I forgot to give you a podcast recommendation after saying I’m going to do that every day. So I have two for you today. Now, if you are looking for tools to help you, I can recommend, for example, there’s a playground in AssemblyAI which generates a pretty good transcript.

And one of my friends, my friend Teresa, told me about this some time ago. And the way that I use, for example, chat GPT, GPT four for show notes and to help me with the podcast add ons, I will call them the adjacent all. The thing that is around podcast production is sometimes I will feed it the transcript and ask it to do a summary in the style of Harvard Business Review and remembering that the audience is managers of remote teams, because I think you have to get your prompting right.

That is important when you’re using generative AI. So I often do that and it often does quite a good job. It doesn’t include everything that’s in the transcript.

For example, when myself or Maya, when she used to do the show notes, you would get a little bit about everything that’s happening in the conversation but Chat GPT seems to just do an overall one and it will leave stuff out. The other way in which I use Generative AI is for Management Cafe. I started doing it and then I stopped.

And what I’ve been doing was I would take Tim’s show notes. So, Management Cafe, if you’ve been listening to the show, you might remember that it’s co hosted with Tim Burgess and we talk for about 20 minutes on a topic of management and leadership, just from our own experience. Very, very informal.

Then I edit the episode, I put the audio together and I give it to Tim who then writes some very, very concise show notes. And for example, at two minutes Tim discusses his experience with this. Five minutes we talk about this book, etc.

So it’s very much traditional show notes. So what I started to do was to feed those show notes to Chatgpt and say, create a blog post from this. And for some it worked quite well.

We do have an episode on Radical Candor and I’ll stick the link in the show notes where it worked really well. But what’s happened is that Tim has started to write longer show notes, which if you ignore the timings, reads almost like a very jotted out blog post. So we don’t seem to have any more any use for Chattypt at the moment there.

So that’s how I use it. I don’t do very much. I haven’t started playing with the voice stuff.

I did at one point think whether to use Descript to clone my own voice and I’ve decided not to for two reasons. One is you give some kind of permission to Descript to something, something with your voice. I’m sure it would be absolutely safe, but I thought I didn’t want to.

And also, I love podcasting people, so I’m not sure that I’m going to want to create anything that is not me talking. But if you are interested in all the things that can be done through the different kinds of AI to create a show, then I’ve come across this video and I came across this video from the big podcast newsletter which I recommend. And when I clicked through to it, I saw it was Mike Russell, who has been in podcasting for ages, who I interviewed for 21st Century Work Life, I don’t know, really early on because he runs Music Radio Creative and then he organized a conference and my friend Lisette and I presented at it.

So him and Isabella have been around the podcasting world for ages and it was really, really lovely to see this video. In this video, Mike explains how he releases daily too many episodes, covering well summarizing three news, three pieces of news around AI. I watched the whole video.

For me, the process is way too technical, as in there’s just way too much detail to look at and put in. But basically he’s using a tool which helps you to create a workflow. And he starts with Feedly, which is where he collects articles, where he collects feeds from publications.

So every day he goes there and goes, okay, these three articles are interesting. That triggers a whole workflow where the news is summarized by Chat GPT, then it sends it to a Google Doc, then there’s another Google Doc thing created. Then it goes to Eleven Labs, which is the technology that allows you to create a voice.

So you put the script and a voice comes out. He’s chosen his own voice and with a tone and everything. So script goes to the voice, to Eleven Labs.

Then Eleven Labs triggers something in Chat GPT, and Chat GPT creates a title and then everything publishes through SoundCloud. It is absolute magic. It will take a while to get it set up, but then it’s done.

I think it’d be great for you to watch the video. At the beginning he mentions and he shares his prompt for Chat GPT, which I think is very interesting just to see a good prompt. And at around 15 minutes, he talks about Eleven Labs and the prompt in and the settings that go around there.

Again, I think it’s worth watching for that funnily enough, and I put this in my comments in YouTube to him, is that I think the best thing is to watch him. This is all about AI automating, and in the end I think he’s fantastic, he’s really funny and he’s a great broadcaster. Right, I’m going to try and get under ten minutes, so that’s all I’m going to say about AI.

I would love to hear your thoughts, – you can use the contact form on But I do have, as I said, two podcasts I would like to recommend to you.

The first one is very much in well, it’s an episode I’m going to recommend, which is very much in line with this topic, which is Guy Kawasaki interviewing Kim Komando. And I never come across her, but she’s really big in the tech world. Apparently that’s what she podcasts about.

She creates daily podcasts in a different way to Mike, but I think it’s interesting to listen to it. But they talk a lot about what they think of Chat GPT and just AI. Wonderful.

Now, the name of the podcast is Remarkable People, and I recommend that show. It is really great. And the other show I want to recommend is from the BBC and it’s called Sliced Bread.

And basically they take something that has been hyped up and they studied, they go through the study with, they talk to researchers, scientists, and then they decide whether it’s BS or the best thing since Sliced Bread. So I recommend that. Lovely to speak to you.

I’ll be back tomorrow. Thank you for listening. Podcasters.

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