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Episode 59 One book recommendation, two shows for you to check out and three edits

Today’s episode starts with Pilar complaining about the fact that Audacity doesn’t remember the fact that she always records with her external microphone… Such is the life of the daily podcaster! 

Recommended podcasts:
The Enthusiasm Project 
Mayam Bialik’s Breakdown, and Pilar mentions the episode with Justine Bateman (from Family Ties) published in October 2023. 

(Excuse the title, the episode doesn’t have a focus, so it was hard!)

Ep 60 Expressing a part of our identity

Pilar has been thinking about how loneliness in remote teams sometimes has to do about not finding the opportunity to express certain parts of our identity that are only expressed at work, wherever that is.

As podcasters, we can find a space for different parts of ourselves to find an outlet!

Did you know that Pilar has a science degree? And she still thinks like a scientist, and enjoys science pieces, so today she shares this one: Smell changes how we see colour.

If you’re thinking of starting your own podcasting adventure, I recommend Buzzsprout as host – click here for my affiliate link, which also gets you a little discount, and Riverside FM for recording, which you can access through this other affiliate link.

Ep 61 We’ll be going live!

On Thursday 30 November at 7pm UK time, Stephanie Fuccio and I will be going live! We’ll be talking about what we’ve learned during NaPodPoMo. Here’s the youtube link:

In today’s episode Pilar talks about how she’d like to be more involved in the NaPodPoMo community – we can’t be everywhere and do everything!

Is there a difference between doing a live show and a recording? Pilar imagines there’s an audience, but at least there’s no camera to distract her…

Recommended podcast:
Ask the Naked Scientist

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